Throttle Quadrant


The Throttle Quadrant (TQ) is the most important part that each pilot loves touching …  (speaking of the plane … )

Here below a image of  the original 737 TQ.

Original 737 TQ














For what concern my cockpit I started building the TQ considering the Rudy’s design. It’s very interesting and permit to you to save a lot of money (i.e. commercial 737 Throttle costs much more than 1200 / 1500 €). More details can be found at following address:

Subsequently I met Luca and I have opted to buy the TQ from Cockpitsonic (

Here below few pitcures of my 737 Cockpitsonic Throttle Quadrant.


















From February 01, 2010 this important part of my simulator is “For Sale” and have been bought from my big friend Giovanni.

This TQ has been changed in favour a new TQ from SIMPARTS.

Simparts TQ seem to have major robustness and a good design, nevertheless since it use Phidgest cards I found few problems during installation and calibration.

As soon as possible I need to resolve few minor issue related to Simparts TQ installation.

Here below some pictures of Simparts TQ